Indian Diva Masturbating..& Closeup Cum Watering Audio Part 2

When I was nineteen and a sophomore in college, my mother was concerned about my lack of experience dating or interacting with girls. She felt that I might get some girl pregnant, have to marry her and leave school. In order to give me knowledge of what sex was about, she arranged with her twenty-eight year old married girl friend to be my sex partner for the first time. My mother came to pick me up to come home on a Friday night for a weekend visit. Her girl friend who I had not met before joined us on the drive home. I drove for the eight hour trip. My mother was in the back seat while her girlfriend sat with me in the front seat. After about three hours into the trip, Julie(not her real name) slid across the seat next to me and started rubbing my cock through my jeans. I was nervous about this with mother in the back seat. Julie told me not to worry as my mother was asleep. As we drove she continued to play with my cock. I tried my best to keep the car on the road. The trip was. , he slowly pulled out the softening cock, spanked my ass really hard and he ran to the bathroom to get cleaned up and I sure didn’t want to meet his wife so got dressed quick and said goodbye as fast as I could and hopped in my car for the 5 min. ride home.About 1 minute into the ride home I could feel a big fart coming, I figured he wore a condom so it’s just trapped air, no problem so I let a little fart, it felt so good but there was a problem, I was now sitting in something warm and wet now, so I'm like what the fuck is that, how much lube did he use (how stupid am I), I drive the remaining 4 minutes with my butt cheeks squeezed together because I could feel another big fart coming and I was already sitting in a puddle of anal lube. When I got home I ran to the toilet and pull down my pants, this fart was much bigger and wetter but felt so good, while sitting there I see what looks like a cum stain in my underwear, I run my finger over my butthole and find more cum. Now.
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